31.03 17:00
105 Min
Venom 3: Ostatni taniec
(VOD 203)
31.03 19:00
105 Min
Venom 3: Ostatni taniec
(VOD 203)
31.03 21:00
105 Min
Venom 3: Ostatni taniec
(VOD 203)
01.04 11:15
110 Min
Novinar koji istražuje projekte bogatog znanstvenika dolazi u kontakt s izuzetno nasilnim oblikom vanzemaljskog života. (HBO HD)
01.04 11:15
110 Min
Tom Hardy embodies a comic book icon in this superhero epic. When alien symbiotes arrive on Earth, a failed reporter bonds with one of the entities to become the anti-hero Venom. (HBO HD)
01.04 21:40
120 Min
Action - SciFi (NOVALIFE HD)
02.04 04:50
115 Min
Action - SciFi (NOVALIFE HD)
02.04 11:20
95 Min
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Eddie Brocks tries hard to adjust to his life with Venom and attempts to reignite his career after he is given the opportunity to interview a serial killer. Or at least that's what he thinks... (HBO HD)
02.04 11:20
95 Min
Venom 2
Tom Hardy vraća se na velika platna kao ubojiti zaštitnik Venom, jedan od Marvelovih najvećih i najsloženijih likova. (HBO HD)
02.04 18:00
111 Min
Venom: The Last Dance
Eddie şi Venom sunt vânaţi de ambele lor lumi, forţaţi să ia o decizie care ar putea însemna finalul parteneriatului lor. (HBO HD RO)