Annual trade fair, exhibition, and festival jazzahead! is one of the international jazz community's most important events. Hosted in Bremen, Germany, jazzahead! brings together musicians, bookers, agents, organizers, jazz experts, and music enthusiasts at the world's largest jazz event. In 2022, jazzahead! paid special attention to Canada's jazz scene and invited forty jazz acts from all over the world to perform over the course of three days. Among the performing ensembles is the Clara Haberkamp Trio. German pianist Clara Haberkamp rose to fame as singer/pianist/lyricist, but her recent album 'Reframing the Moon' focuses purely on her instrumental talent. Her quick ear, near-magical gift for melody, and astonishing awareness of contrast make for sophisticated and dense moments that are counterbalanced by heart-melting moments of direct emotional contact with her listeners. She is accompanied by James Banner (bass) and Lukas Akintaya (drums).