04.12 10:15
15 Min
Direct Talk
We feature Kure Kaoru, a Hong Kong photographer who experienced the democracy movement. Now, in Ukraine, he is photographing local people and addressing the threat of authoritarianism to the world. ()
04.12 10:15
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2105-017
We feature Kure Kaoru, a Hong Kong photographer who experienced the democracy movement. Now, in Ukraine, he is photographing local people and addressing the threat of authoritarianism to the world. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
04.12 10:15
15 Min
Direct Talk
Kure Kaoru / Photographer & Journalist (NHK WORLD)
04.12 10:15
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2105-017
We feature Kure Kaoru, a Hong Kong photographer who experienced the democracy movement. Now, in Ukraine, he is photographing local people and addressing the threat of authoritarianism to the world. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
04.12 10:25
30 Min
04.12 11:25
30 Min
04.12 11:30
15 Min
OTV-Talk (Wh.)
Interessante Gespräche zu unterschiedlichen Themen aus der Oberpfalz. Unsere Moderatoren begrüßen Gäste aus der Region. (OTVA HD)
04.12 11:30
15 Min
Culture Talk 3.12.2024 (Wh.)
Culture Talk - das Kulturmagazin. Interviews mit bekannten Künstler, Veranstalter, Regisseure oder Kuratoren. (münchen.tv HD)
04.12 11:30
30 Min
Strait Talk
An inside look at the players and policymakers who are shaping the world we live in. To give you a unique perspective on global events. ()
04.12 12:00
150 Min
Τα Λέμε
DIS0018936426 (Βεργίνα TV)
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