06.11 19:30
15 Min
Interessante Gespräche zu unterschiedlichen Themen aus der Oberpfalz. Unsere Moderatoren begrüßen Gäste aus der Region. (OTVA HD)
06.11 19:30
90 Min
One Talk
Magazino (One Channel HD)
06.11 19:30
90 Min
One Talk
DIS0018615056 (ONE Channel HD)
06.11 19:40
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2058-883
Kenneth Rimdahl came from Sweden to Chiang Mai in Thailand - there he found miang, an edible tea made with leaves from local tea plants. Now his business helps protect the forests where they grow. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
06.11 19:40
15 Min
Direct Talk
Kenneth Rimdahl / Founder & CEO Monsoon Tea/ MONTEACO (NHK WORLD)
06.11 19:40
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2058-883
Kenneth Rimdahl came from Sweden to Chiang Mai in Thailand - there he found miang, an edible tea made with leaves from local tea plants. Now his business helps protect the forests where they grow. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
06.11 19:40
15 Min
Direct Talk
Kenneth Rimdahl came from Sweden to Chiang Mai, Thailand. There he discovered "miang," an edible tea made with leaves from local tea plants. Now his business helps protect the forests where they grow. ()
06.11 20:15
5 Min
Easy Talk. Ep. 5.
(English Club HD)
06.11 20:15
5 Min
Easy Talk
Angol Sorozatok, 5perc (English Club)
06.11 20:20
15 Min
Let's Talk. Ep. 5.
(English Club HD)