04.03 18:00
60 Min
Auto SOS
Džeremi je u saobraćajnoj nesreći izgubio ženu i nije mogao da radi. Mogu li momci da preokrenu njegovu lošu sreću i srede njegov fijat spajder? (National Geographic)
04.03 18:00
60 Min
Car S.O.S.
Rock drummer Fuzz Townshend joins presenter Tim Shaw on a series of secret fix-up missions, wowing British car owners with expert revamps of their iconic motors. (Nat Geographic HD)
05.03 03:30
45 Min
Auto SOS
Džeremi je u saobraćajnoj nesreći izgubio ženu i nije mogao da radi. Mogu li momci da preokrenu njegovu lošu sreću i srede njegov fijat spajder? (National Geographic)
05.03 03:30
45 Min
Car S.O.S.
Rock drummer Fuzz Townshend joins presenter Tim Shaw on a series of secret fix-up missions, wowing British car owners with expert revamps of their iconic motors. (Nat Geographic HD)
05.03 18:00
60 Min
Auto SOS
Svi u porodici Hačins-Klark voze ford anglijas, sem Džejma, čiji primerak čak nema ni motor. Mogu li momci uopšte da spasu takav auto? (National Geographic)
05.03 18:00
60 Min
Car S.O.S.
Presenter Tim and master mechanic Fuzz whisk a Ford Anglia from its garage in Bournemouth. Can they surprise owner James with their secret motor makeover? (Nat Geographic HD)
06.03 03:25
45 Min
Auto SOS
Svi u porodici Hačins-Klark voze ford anglijas, sem Džejma, čiji primerak čak nema ni motor. Mogu li momci uopšte da spasu takav auto? (National Geographic)
06.03 03:25
45 Min
Car S.O.S.
Presenter Tim and master mechanic Fuzz whisk a Ford Anglia from its garage in Bournemouth. Can they surprise owner James with their secret motor makeover? (Nat Geographic HD)
06.03 18:00
60 Min
Auto SOS
Problemi sa zdravljem su sprečili Stiva, koji obožava rover, da renovira svoj P6 iz 1972. Da li momci uprkos malim šansama mogu da spasu auto? (National Geographic)
06.03 18:00
60 Min
Car S.O.S.
Tim and Fuzz surprise Steve, whose health problems left him unable to restore his beloved 1978 Rover P6. Against the odds, can they secretly fix up his car? (Nat Geographic HD)