12.02 16:00
30 Min
Baggage Battles
The Baggage Battlers head to the Boston Estates Auction to gamble on historical items, but is a document announcing George Washington's death the real thing? (Discovery HD)
12.02 16:00
30 Min
Baggage Battles 5
Blast from the Past (Discovery HD)
12.02 16:30
30 Min
Baggage Battles
The baggage battlers head to an estate auction in Jacksonville, Florida, where pop culture collectibles and sealed boxes are amongst the items on offer. [AL] (Discovery HD)
12.02 16:30
30 Min
Baggage Battles 3
Mike Tyson's Punch Out (Discovery HD)
13.02 05:35
20 Min
Baggage Battles - Die Koffer-Jäger
Episode 26 (DMAX HD Austria)
13.02 16:00
30 Min
Baggage Battles
In Long Island, New York, Billy is putting his feelings about suburbia to one side and Valerie is riding her way to a big surprise. Plus, will Mark go from hometown hero to hometown zero? (Discovery HD)
13.02 16:00
30 Min
Baggage Battles 5
Hometown Hero (Discovery HD)
13.02 16:30
30 Min
Baggage Battles
The baggage battlers head to a government auction in Sacramento, California. Mark Meyer cuts into the Martin's profit by bidding high on a box of knives. [AL] (Discovery HD)
13.02 16:30
30 Min
Baggage Battles 3
Space Case (Discovery HD)
14.02 16:00
30 Min
Baggage Battles
Un-Beliebable Bargains. Misguided freight auctions are becoming increasingly rare. When renowned auctioneer Brian Barker announced he was hosting one, Mark, Billy and Valerie couldn't miss out! (Discovery HD)
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