01.03 12:36
7 Min
Billy Bam Bam
Анимация, Великобритания, 2011, Billy and BamBam enjoy working together in the garden pulling out weeds. Join them as they have fun watering the flowers and pretending to be elephants using the watering hoses as trunks! (Baby TV)
01.03 12:36
7 Min
Billy Bam-Bam: Słonie
(Baby TV)
01.03 15:34
6 Min
Billy Bam Bam
Анимация, Великобритания, 2012, Billy and BamBam have fun making pictures out of dry leaves from the garden. (Baby TV)
01.03 19:12
6 Min
Billy Bam Bam
Анимация, Великобритания, 2012, Billy and BamBam have fun playing with a little doll house they received as a present from Auntie Sue. They enjoy playing with the little dolls and feeding them strawberry yogurt. (Baby TV)
02.03 09:35
6 Min
Billy Bam Bam
Анимация, Великобритания, 2012, Billy and BamBam go out to the garden to take down the washing. (Baby TV)
02.03 15:34
6 Min
Billy Bam Bam
Анимация, Великобритания, 2012, Billy and BamBam have fun preparing a delicious fruit salad from grapes, strawberries and oranges. (Baby TV)
02.03 15:34
6 Min
Billy Bam-Bam: Kapela
(Baby TV)
02.03 19:12
7 Min
Billy Bam-Bam: Latawce
(Baby TV)
03.03 07:39
7 Min
Billy Bam Bam
Анимация, Великобритания, 2012, Billy and BamBam have fun playing with their kites on a lovely spring day. When the kites get stuck in the tree, they are left with the strings and find imaginative ways to play with them. (Baby TV)
03.03 07:39
7 Min
Billy Bam-Bam: Latawce
(Baby TV)
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