15.03 01:00
30 Min
Bloomberg Investigates. Season 4, Ep 1. Monkey Laundering.
15.03 01:00
30 Min
Bloomberg Investigates
S04 E01. Fake permits, undercover informants and millions of dollars. How a US government agency set out to prove suppliers to research labs were importing wild monkeys from Cambodia with false paperwork. ()
15.03 01:00
30 Min
Bloomberg Investigates
Информационно предаване, САЩ, 2024, How a US government agency set out to prove suppliers to research labs were importing wild monkeys from Cambodia with false paperwork. (Bloomberg)
15.03 01:00
30 Min
Το Bloomberg Ερευνά
DIS0019634710 (Bloomberg)
15.03 01:30
30 Min
Bloomberg Investigates. Season 4, Ep 2. Scambaiters.
15.03 01:30
30 Min
Bloomberg Investigates
S04 E02. Last year alone, an estimated $1 trillion was lost globally to fraud. With law enforcement struggling to cope, scambaiter vigilantes are filling the gaps. ()
15.03 01:30
30 Min
Bloomberg Investigates
Информационно предаване, САЩ, 2024, Last year alone, an estimated $1 trillion was lost globally to fraud. With law enforcement struggling to cope, scambaiter vigilantes are filling the gaps. (Bloomberg)
15.03 01:30
30 Min
Το Bloomberg Ερευνά
DIS0019634715 (Bloomberg)
15.03 11:30
30 Min
Bloomberg Investigates
Информационно предаване, САЩ, 2024, How a US government agency set out to prove suppliers to research labs were importing wild monkeys from Cambodia with false paperwork. (Bloomberg)
15.03 11:30
30 Min
Το Bloomberg Ερευνά
DIS0019634711 (Bloomberg)