22.11 19:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ4 Ε19
DIS0018373979,2872969458,18 (E! HD)
22.11 19:00
60 Min
Silicone Slip-ups. Ravaged by a flesh-eating disease, a young woman needs the doctors' help to save what's left of her breasts. (E!)
22.11 19:00
60 Min
Silicone Slip-ups. Ravaged by a flesh-eating disease, a young woman needs the doctors' help to save what's left of her breasts. ()
22.11 19:00
60 Min
(sua, 2018, s. reality show, sezonul 4, episodul 19) Silicoane... (E!)
22.11 19:00
60 Min
Victimă a unei boli care îi macină carnea, o tânără femeie are nevoie de ajutorul medicilor, ca să-i salveze ce i-a mai rămas din sâni. (E! Entertainment)
22.11 19:00
60 Min
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Silicone Slip-ups (E! Entertainment HD)
22.11 20:00
60 Min
A celeb impersonator wants to fix her saggy skin, Paul helps a woman with a potentially unfixable nose, and Daniella Mendez wants an implant with male and female options. (E!)
22.11 20:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ2 Ε6
DIS0018373980,2872424862,5 (E! HD)
22.11 20:00
60 Min
Botched 2
Dolly'd Up (E! Entertainment HD)
22.11 20:00
60 Min
O imitatoare a vedetelor vrea să-şi opereze pielea care atârnă. Daniella "Two Spirits" Mendez vrea un implant cu două opţiuni: masculin şi feminin. (E! Entertainment)