01.11 09:20
115 Min
Casanova de Craciun
(can., 2023, f. romant.) Cu: Kalinka Petrie, Gabe Grey, Samantha Brown,... (Diva)
01.11 10:00
120 Min
Christmas Casanova
An unexpected twist comes when podcaster Elise agrees to help Daniel create an unforgettable Christmas experience to win back his old love. (Diva)
01.11 10:00
120 Min
Božićni Casanova
Stvari poprime neočekivani preokret kada podcaster Elise pristane pomoći Daniyalu da stvori nezaboravno božićno... (DIVA)
01.11 21:00
140 Min
Heath Ledger plays the fabled romantic as a man who, after failing to win the affection of a particular Venetian woman, strives to discover the real meaning of love. (STAR Life HD)
01.11 21:00
140 Min
Heath Ledger plays the fabled romantic as a man who, after failing to win the affection of a particular Venetian woman, strives to discover the real meaning of love. (STAR Life HD)
01.11 21:00
140 Min
Casanova, film
CASANOVA (2005) Romantični (STAR Life.)
03.11 13:00
140 Min
Vadnyugati Casanova
Coburn (Bud Spencer) csavargó, a préri a hazája, itt-ott elköt egy lovat, ami a keze ügyébe esik. Eközben vigyáz arra, hogy össze ne fusson Sonny Bronston pisztolyával. Sonny ugyanis vadászik rá. (RTL HAROM)
03.11 13:00
140 Min
Vadnyugati Casanova
Olasz Western (1972.), 130perc (RTL HÁROM)
04.11 00:00
120 Min
Božićni Casanova
Stvari poprime neočekivani preokret kada podcaster Elise pristane pomoći Daniyalu da stvori nezaboravno božićno... (DIVA)
04.11 12:00
140 Min
Casanova, film
CASANOVA (2005) Romantični (STAR Life.)
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