25.09 08:55
55 Min
Caesar's Doomsday War
We explore the events triggered by the uniting of Gaul tribes under freedom fighter Vercingetorix, and archaeologists find evidence of the defences that the Gauls built to fight off Caesar's legions. (Viasat History HD)
25.09 08:55
55 Min
Cezarov sudbonosni rat, ep. 2.
Caesar's Doomsday War Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
25.09 08:55
55 Min
Cezarov sudbonosni rat
Istražujemo događaje koji su potaknuli ujedinjenje galskih plemena pod vodstvom Vercingetoriksa, a arheolozi... (Viasat History HD)
25.09 15:55
55 Min
Caesar's Doomsday War
We explore the events triggered by the uniting of Gaul tribes under freedom fighter Vercingetorix, and archaeologists find evidence of the defences that the Gauls built to fight off Caesar's legions. (Viasat History HD)
25.09 15:55
55 Min
Cezarov sudbonosni rat, ep. 2.
Caesar's Doomsday War Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
25.09 15:55
55 Min
Cezarov sudbonosni rat
Istražujemo događaje koji su potaknuli ujedinjenje galskih plemena pod vodstvom Vercingetoriksa, a arheolozi... (Viasat History HD)
29.09 10:55
55 Min
Cezarov sudbonosni rat
Julije Cezar želio je cijelu Galiju staviti pod svoju kontrolu, pokrenuvši time niz događaja koji će njegovu vojsku... (Viasat History SD)
29.09 11:50
60 Min
Cezarov sudbonosni rat
Istražujemo događaje koji su potaknuli ujedinjenje galskih plemena pod vodstvom Vercingetoriksa, a arheolozi... (Viasat History SD)
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