20.09 09:23
3 Min
Chatroom Japan
#4 Parental styles (NHK WORLD)
20.09 09:23
3 Min
Chatroom Japan
Our anchor traveled to the city of Izumo in Shimane Pref. for an impromptu "chatroom" with a Brazilian woman who shares her joy of raising children in rural Japan. ()
20.09 09:23
3 Min
Chatroom Japan: 6049-004
Our anchor travels to the city of Izumo in Shimane Prefecture for an impromptu 'chatroom' with a Brazilian woman who shares her joy of raising children in rural Japan. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
21.09 00:10
5 Min
Chatroom Japan
Our anchor traveled to the city of Izumo in Shimane Pref. for an impromptu "chatroom" with a Brazilian woman who shares her joy of raising children in rural Japan. ()
21.09 00:10
5 Min
Chatroom Japan
#4 Parental styles (NHK WORLD)
21.09 00:10
5 Min
Chatroom Japan: 6049-004
Our anchor travels to the city of Izumo in Shimane Prefecture for an impromptu 'chatroom' with a Brazilian woman who shares her joy of raising children in rural Japan. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
23.09 01:23
7 Min
Chatroom Japan
Our anchor traveled to the city of Izumo in Shimane Pref. for an impromptu "chatroom" with a Brazilian woman who shares her joy of raising children in rural Japan. ()
23.09 01:23
7 Min
Chatroom Japan
#4 Parental styles (NHK WORLD)
23.09 01:23
7 Min
Chatroom Japan: 6049-004
Our anchor travels to the city of Izumo in Shimane Prefecture for an impromptu 'chatroom' with a Brazilian woman who shares her joy of raising children in rural Japan. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
27.09 09:23
3 Min
Chatroom Japan: 6049-000
A spotlight on our diverse international community as we report on issues, speak to those involved, and get a fresh look at what it's like to live in Japan. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
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