16.01 06:25
20 Min
Divlja prostranstva Amerike
Putujući od juga ka severu, istražićemo neispitana područja Apalačkog planinarskog puta i upoznati naučnike koji se bore da očuvaju ovu divljinu. (National Geographic Wild)
16.01 06:25
20 Min
America's Wild Spaces
We will travel from South to North and explore the remotest corners of the Appalachian Trail and meet the scientists fighting to keep this wilderness wild. ()
16.01 06:45
25 Min
America's Wild Spaces
Journey with JT Reynolds, Death Valley's larger-than-life superintendent, and meet the scientists who are working to protect this wild place as the mercury rises. ()
16.01 06:45
25 Min
Divlja prostranstva Amerike
Putujte sa Džej-Ti Rejnoldsom, nadzornikom Doline smrti, i upoznaćete naučnike koji pokušavaju da zaštite ovu divljinu dok se živa u termometru penje. (National Geographic Wild)
17.01 05:35
25 Min
America's Wild Spaces
Journey with JT Reynolds, Death Valley's larger-than-life superintendent, and meet the scientists who are working to protect this wild place as the mercury rises. ()
17.01 05:35
25 Min
Divlja prostranstva Amerike
Putujte sa Džej-Ti Rejnoldsom, nadzornikom Doline smrti, i upoznaćete naučnike koji pokušavaju da zaštite ovu divljinu dok se živa u termometru penje. (National Geographic Wild)
17.01 06:45
20 Min
America's Wild Spaces
Canyonlands is the little known jewel of the American national parks. But this rugged terrain is a more than a pretty picture; it is a history book of time. ()
17.01 06:45
20 Min
Divlja prostranstva Amerike
Kenjonlends je slabo poznati dragulj američkih nacionalnih parkova. Ali ovaj opak teren nije samo lep pejzaž. On je i prikaz prošlosti. (National Geographic Wild)
17.01 07:05
25 Min
America's Wild Spaces
National Geographic Television joins a rare scientific odyssey to explore the Canyon's entire 277-mile length and examine its mysteries. ()
17.01 07:05
25 Min
Divlja prostranstva Amerike
Kanal National Geographic pridružuje se naučnoj odiseji u istraživanju celokupne dužine Velikog kanjona od 277 milja. (National Geographic Wild)