11.02 09:15
65 Min
Ancient Superstructures
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the most sacred Christian site in the world; defied by time, wars and earthquakes, it was rebuilt many times and now excavations reveal its secrets as never before. (Viasat History HD)
11.02 09:15
65 Min
Drevne neverovatne.
Bazilika Svetog groba predstavlja najsvetije hrišćansko mesto. Pogođena ratovima, zemljotresima i zubom vremena, bila je renovirana mnogo puta, a nova iskopavanja otkrivaju neke dugo skrivane tajne. (Viasat History)
11.02 16:45
65 Min
Ancient Superstructures
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the most sacred Christian site in the world; defied by time, wars and earthquakes, it was rebuilt many times and now excavations reveal its secrets as never before. (Viasat History HD)
11.02 16:45
65 Min
Drevne neverovatne.
Bazilika Svetog groba predstavlja najsvetije hrišćansko mesto. Pogođena ratovima, zemljotresima i zubom vremena, bila je renovirana mnogo puta, a nova iskopavanja otkrivaju neke dugo skrivane tajne. (Viasat History)
12.02 07:15
65 Min
Ancient Superstructures
The Taj Mahal is considered one of the seven Wonders of the Modern World; we investigate the building methods, ingenious engineering and mysteries at the heart of this iconic monument. (Viasat History HD)
12.02 07:15
65 Min
Drevne neverovatne.
Uronićemo u inženjerske misterije koje se kriju iza najpoznatijih drevnih građevina sveta. Posmatraćemo ih kako putem satelita, tako i kroz mikroskope. (Viasat History)
12.02 09:25
70 Min
Ancient Superstructures
The Sphinx is the most monumental ancient sculpture in the world at 73 metres long, 20 metres high and 14 metres wide. Who commissioned it, how was it erected, and what is its significance? (Viasat History HD)
12.02 09:25
70 Min
Drevne neverovatne.
Sfinga je najmonumentalnija drevna skulptura na svetu. Duga je 73, visoka 20, a široka 14 metara. Ko ju je naručio, kako je podignuta i u čemu se sastoji njen značaj? (Viasat History)
12.02 16:40
70 Min
Ancient Superstructures
The Sphinx is the most monumental ancient sculpture in the world at 73 metres long, 20 metres high and 14 metres wide. Who commissioned it, how was it erected, and what is its significance? (Viasat History HD)
12.02 16:40
70 Min
Drevne neverovatne.
Sfinga je najmonumentalnija drevna skulptura na svetu. Duga je 73, visoka 20, a široka 14 metara. Ko ju je naručio, kako je podignuta i u čemu se sastoji njen značaj? (Viasat History)
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