27.11 08:20
55 Min
FBI: International
The Secrets She Knows S01 E06. Een onderhandelaar van de Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst wordt vermist. Het team moet haar vinden, voordat de nucleaire geheimen van het land in de verkeerde handen vallen. (Play5)
27.11 12:00
60 Min
FBI: International
Red Light--When a wild night in Amsterdam for three ex-Navy men ends with one found dead in his hotel room, the Fly Team must dive into the red-light district to hunt down his killer. Meanwhile, Tate finds herself in a bind with h (AFN|prime Pacific)
27.11 14:00
60 Min
FBI: International (6)
(Paramount Network)
27.11 17:00
60 Min
FBI: International (7)
(Paramount Network)
27.11 17:00
60 Min
FBI: International
Mezinárodní tým Federálního úřadu pro vyšetřování se sídlem v Budapešti cestuje po světě a jeho úkolem je sledovat a neutralizovat hrozby vůči americkým občanům, ať už se nacházejí kdekoli. ()
27.11 17:55
50 Min
FBI: International
Trying to Grab Smoke S01 E07. Een Amerikaanse maker van illegale porno wordt vermoord in Praag. Het team moet zijn partner opsporen, die nog steeds voortvluchtig is in Tsjechië. (Play5)
27.11 20:00
60 Min
FBI: International
Red Light--When a wild night in Amsterdam for three ex-Navy men ends with one found dead in his hotel room, the Fly Team must dive into the red-light district to hunt down his killer. Meanwhile, Tate finds herself in a bind with h (AFN|prime Atlantic)
27.11 21:00
60 Min
FBI: International
Aksion, Krim (STAR)
27.11 21:00
60 Min
FBI: International 3, ep. 12. serija
Akcija/Kriminalistički (STAR Channel.)
27.11 21:00
60 Min
FBI: International Κ4 Ε2
DIS0018787353,7327879,1 (COSMOTE Series HD)
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