08.11 19:30
90 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
Miss Marple investigates the downfall of an optimistic young couple who ignored the warnings of a gypsy and built a dream home on allegedly cursed land. (Epic Drama HD)
08.11 19:30
90 Min
Gđica Marple
Gđica Marple istražuje propast optimističnog mladog para koji je ignorirao upozorenja jedne ciganke i izgradio dom... (Epic Drama HD)
09.11 16:30
90 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
Miss Marple accompanies Lady Virginia Revel to her home of Chimneys; Count Ludwig is found dead in the arms of Anthony Cade. Why is Cade at Chimneys, and is Virginia's suitor being framed for murder? (Epic Drama HD)
09.11 16:30
90 Min
Gđica Marple
Jane Marple kao ostarjela usidjelica pomaže policiji u rješavanju misterioznih zločina počinjenih daleko od mirne... (Epic Drama HD)
09.11 18:00
90 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
Miss Marple talks her way into the gentlemen's club of her friend Sir Henry Clithering to ask for help; she has evidence about the Blue Geranium murder and needs his help to stop its court hearing. (Epic Drama HD)
09.11 18:00
90 Min
Gđica Marple
Jane Marple kao ostarjela usidjelica pomaže policiji u rješavanju misterioznih zločina počinjenih daleko od mirne... (Epic Drama HD)
09.11 19:30
90 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
Actress Marina Gregg and her film director husband Jason Rudd take up residence at Gossington Hall; at a drinks reception hosted by the glamorous couple, fan Heather drinks a poisoned cocktail. (Epic Drama HD)
09.11 19:30
90 Min
Gđica Marple
Jane Marple kao ostarjela usidjelica pomaže policiji u rješavanju misterioznih zločina počinjenih daleko od mirne... (Epic Drama HD)
10.11 00:50
90 Min
Gđica Marple
Jane Marple kao ostarjela usidjelica pomaže policiji u rješavanju misterioznih zločina počinjenih daleko od mirne... (Epic Drama HD)
10.11 02:20
90 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
Miss Marple talks her way into the gentlemen's club of her friend Sir Henry Clithering to ask for help; she has evidence about the Blue Geranium murder and needs his help to stop its court hearing. (Epic Drama HD)
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