23.10 13:40
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don explores the massive underground cities in the mountains of Turkey that may have been home to the first civilisation on Earth. (Viasat History HD)
23.10 13:40
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don istražuje ogromne podzemne gradove u planinama Turske, koji su možda bili dom prve civilizacije na Zemlji. (Viasat History)
24.10 03:55
45 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don explores the massive underground cities in the mountains of Turkey that may have been home to the first civilisation on Earth. (Viasat History HD)
24.10 03:55
45 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don istražuje ogromne podzemne gradove u planinama Turske, koji su možda bili dom prve civilizacije na Zemlji. (Viasat History)
24.10 06:20
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don follows the clues hidden underground as he searches for evidence of 10,000 Aztecs who fled Mexico and disappeared somewhere in America. (Viasat History HD)
24.10 06:20
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don prati tragove skrivene pod zemljom i traži dokaze o postojanju 10 000 Asteka koji su pobegli iz Meksika i nestali negde u Americi. (Viasat History)
24.10 13:40
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don follows the clues hidden underground as he searches for evidence of 10,000 Aztecs who fled Mexico and disappeared somewhere in America. (Viasat History HD)
24.10 13:40
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don prati tragove skrivene pod zemljom i traži dokaze o postojanju 10 000 Asteka koji su pobegli iz Meksika i nestali negde u Americi. (Viasat History)
25.10 03:55
45 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don follows the clues hidden underground as he searches for evidence of 10,000 Aztecs who fled Mexico and disappeared somewhere in America. (Viasat History HD)
25.10 03:55
45 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don prati tragove skrivene pod zemljom i traži dokaze o postojanju 10 000 Asteka koji su pobegli iz Meksika i nestali negde u Americi. (Viasat History)
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