18.11 08:40
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don uses new mapping technology to expose the dark and deadly uncharted spaces beneath American cities. (Viasat History HD)
18.11 08:40
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don koristi novu tehnologiju mapiranja, kako bi razotkrio mračne i opasne neistražene prostore ispod američkih gradova. (Viasat History)
18.11 14:50
50 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don uses new mapping technology to expose the dark and deadly uncharted spaces beneath American cities. (Viasat History HD)
18.11 14:50
50 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don koristi novu tehnologiju mapiranja, kako bi razotkrio mračne i opasne neistražene prostore ispod američkih gradova. (Viasat History)
19.11 04:10
40 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don uses new mapping technology to expose the dark and deadly uncharted spaces beneath American cities. (Viasat History HD)
19.11 04:10
40 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don koristi novu tehnologiju mapiranja, kako bi razotkrio mračne i opasne neistražene prostore ispod američkih gradova. (Viasat History)
19.11 08:20
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don explores top-secret military and government tunnels and looks into classified technology that could be used to build entire cities right under our feet. (Viasat History HD)
19.11 08:20
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don istražuje strogo poverljive vojne i vladine tunele i ispituje tehnologiju koja bi se mogla koristiti za izgradnju čitavih gradova pod našim tlom. (Viasat History)
19.11 14:45
50 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don explores top-secret military and government tunnels and looks into classified technology that could be used to build entire cities right under our feet. (Viasat History HD)
19.11 14:45
50 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don istražuje strogo poverljive vojne i vladine tunele i ispituje tehnologiju koja bi se mogla koristiti za izgradnju čitavih gradova pod našim tlom. (Viasat History)