03.03 20:00
27 Min
Hometown Stories
Taxi Drivers in a Tsunami-hit Town. Twelve years after a massive quake and tsunami in northeast Japan, we followed taxi drivers in Kesennuma, one of the affected towns, to experience people's memories and hopes through their eyes. ()
03.03 20:00
27 Min
Hometown Stories: 5003-251
Twelve years after a massive quake and tsunami in northeast Japan, we follow taxi drivers in Kesennuma - one of the affected towns - to experience people's memories and hopes through their eyes. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
03.03 20:00
27 Min
Hometown Stories
Taxi Drivers in a Tsunami-hit Town (NHK WORLD)
03.03 20:00
27 Min
Hometown Stories: 5003-251
Twelve years after a massive quake and tsunami in northeast Japan, we follow taxi drivers in Kesennuma - one of the affected towns - to experience people's memories and hopes through their eyes. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
08.03 16:10
27 Min
Hometown Stories: 5003-281
Stories about people, stories about life - intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching the lives of others. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
08.03 16:10
27 Min
Hometown Stories
Stories about people, stories about life. Intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching lives of others. ()
08.03 16:10
27 Min
Hometown Stories: 5003-281
Stories about people, stories about life - intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching the lives of others. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
08.03 23:10
27 Min
Hometown Stories
Stories about people, stories about life. Intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching lives of others. ()
08.03 23:10
27 Min
Hometown Stories: 5003-281
Stories about people, stories about life - intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching the lives of others. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
08.03 23:10
27 Min
Hometown Stories: 5003-281
Stories about people, stories about life - intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching the lives of others. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
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