05.03 02:45
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue
On some of the most dangerous roads in Europe, Thord and his team sacrifice their own safety to ensure the Norwegian mountains are as safe as possible for anybody travelling through. (Nat Geographic HD)
05.03 04:45
45 Min
Διάσωση στον Παγετό Κ6 Ε6
DIS0019372031,6785004,5 (National Geographic HD)
05.03 04:45
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue 6
Big Boss Battle ()
05.03 09:35
50 Min
Διάσωση στον Παγετό Κ6 Ε7
DIS0019372076,6785004,6 (National Geographic HD)
05.03 14:50
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue
White Out Warriors S06 E07. Thord moet tijdens een sneeuwstorm een vrachtwagen redden met ijzeren buizen. Er is een zware graafmachine van een dijk gerold. Door de kou kan metaal gaan breken, en dat kan levensgevaarlijk zijn. (NGC HD)
05.03 17:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue
On some of the most dangerous roads in Europe, Thord and his team sacrifice their own safety to ensure the Norwegian mountains are as safe as possible for anybody travelling through. (Nat Geographic HD)
06.03 02:40
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue
On some of the most dangerous roads in Europe, Thord and his team sacrifice their own safety to ensure the Norwegian mountains are as safe as possible for anybody travelling through. (Nat Geographic HD)
06.03 04:45
50 Min
Διάσωση στον Παγετό Κ6 Ε7
DIS0019372075,6785004,6 (National Geographic HD)
06.03 09:40
45 Min
Διάσωση στον Παγετό Κ6 Ε8
DIS0019372117,6785004,7 (National Geographic HD)
06.03 17:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue: Vägkaos!
(Ep 1:4/s4) Reality, Norge, 2021. (National Geographic HD (S/F))
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