22.11 09:50
50 Min
Ice Road Rescue 8
Narrow Escape ()
22.11 09:50
50 Min
Διάσωση στον Παγετό Κ8 Ε7
DIS0018488683,7154811,6 (National Geographic HD)
22.11 17:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue
The mountain passes of Norway are some of the most dangerous roads in all of Europe. And when winter hits, the transport roads turn into treacherous bobsleigh tracks. (Nat Geographic HD)
22.11 22:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue
When Thord and Bjoern rescue a truck that threatens to tip, Thord crawls beneath the trailer during the pull, putting his life in Bjoern's hands. (Nat Geographic HD)
23.11 02:40
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue
The mountain passes of Norway are some of the most dangerous roads in all of Europe. And when winter hits, the transport roads turn into treacherous bobsleigh tracks. (Nat Geographic HD)
23.11 15:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue
When Thord and Bjoern rescue a truck that threatens to tip, Thord crawls beneath the trailer during the pull, putting his life in Bjoern's hands. (Nat Geographic HD)
23.11 20:10
55 Min
Ice Road Rescue
Spooky Night S09 E05. Midden in de nacht proberen Thord en Erlend een gecrasht busje te redden en dat een met ijs bedekte heuvel op te slepen. Björn leer groentje Jan Erik de kneepjes van het vak. (NGC HD)
24.11 11:15
50 Min
Ice Road Rescue - Extremrettung in Norwegen
4 .Staffel, Folge 7. Doku-Soap, N 2019. Verloren im Schneesturm. (ProSieben MAXX HD)
24.11 12:05
50 Min
Ice Road Rescue - Extremrettung in Norwegen
4 .Staffel, Folge 8. Doku-Soap, N 2019. Chaotische Lage. (ProSieben MAXX HD)
24.11 16:45
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue
Test of Mettle S07 E02. In het zuiden van Noorwegen moeten Thord, Bjørn en hun hulptroepen een van de ergste stormen in tien jaar trotseren. Ze moeten een truck vol stalen balken redden. Stig krijgt zijn eerste solomissie. (NGC HD)