18.11 02:40
45 Min
Izgradnja bez granica:.
U Las Vegasu, Danijel se penje na ogromnu kuglu, kako bi instalirao najsavremenije led ekrane, kako unutar tako i izvan kugle. (National Geographic)
18.11 02:40
45 Min
Building Impossible with Daniel Ashville
In Las Vegas, Daniel climbs a massive globe to install cutting-edge LED screens both inside - and outside the orb. (Nat Geographic HD)
18.11 04:55
45 Min
Izgradnja bez granica:.
U Las Vegasu, Danijel se penje na ogromnu kuglu, kako bi instalirao najsavremenije led ekrane, kako unutar tako i izvan kugle. (National Geographic)
18.11 04:55
45 Min
Building Impossible with Daniel Ashville
In Las Vegas, Daniel climbs a massive globe to install cutting-edge LED screens both inside - and outside the orb. (Nat Geographic HD)