25.02 06:10
105 Min
Jumper: Oriunde, oricand
O zebra abandonata creste crezand ca e cal de curse. Ajutata de prietenii din grajd si de o adolescenta, lupta sa-si atinga visul de a participa la curse alaturi de cai pur-sange. - Sursa: media-press.tv (TV 1000)
25.02 06:10
105 Min
Jumper: Oriunde, oricând
David Rice (Hayden Christensen) descoperă la 17 ani că are un dar cu totul aparte. El poate să se teleporteze rapid oriunde doreşte. Dar bucuria nu ţine mult, căci se află ce puteri are... (TV1000)
25.02 08:10
105 Min
A young man with the ability to teleport tries to court his girlfriend while being caught up in a war between a fellow Jumper and Harlequins, a sinister group dedicated to eradicating Jumpers. (TV1000)
26.02 05:10
105 Min
A young man with the ability to teleport tries to court his girlfriend while being caught up in a war between a fellow Jumper and Harlequins, a sinister group dedicated to eradicating Jumpers. (TV1000 Balkan)
26.02 05:10
105 Min
A young man with the ability to teleport tries to court his girlfriend while being caught up in a war between a fellow Jumper and Harlequins, a sinister group dedicated to eradicating Jumpers. (TV1000)
26.02 05:10
105 Min
Jumper: Oriunde, oricând
David Rice (Hayden Christensen) descoperă la 17 ani că are un dar cu totul aparte. El poate să se teleporteze rapid oriunde doreşte. Dar bucuria nu ţine mult, căci se află ce puteri are... (TV1000)