08.02 05:10
25 Min
Kraljevstvo prerijskih pasa
Kada novi kučići stignu u Dogtaun, stiže i nova uprava. U Flatlandsu, Džun pokušava da pomogne svom plašljivom štenetu da se suoči sa strahom, dok se Rubi suočava sa porodicom pasa. (National Geographic Wild)
08.02 05:10
25 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
Now that the pups have arrived, Dogtown is officially under new management. In the flatlands, June tries to help her pup find his confidence. ()
08.02 05:35
25 Min
Kraljevstvo prerijskih pasa
Zbog nedostatka hrane, Šarlot će morati da se suprotstavi siledžijama kako bi preživela sušu. (National Geographic Wild)
08.02 05:35
25 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
Charlotte's Brawl. With nourishing food scarce in the Highlands, Charlotte must learn to fight back against bullies to survive the harsh dry season. ()
08.02 06:40
25 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
June must deal with orphaned pup, Vince, as he tries to join her burrow. Over in the Highlands, Scarlett's fearless pups go in search of two badgers, a choice with deadly consequences. ()
08.02 06:40
25 Min
Kraljevstvo prerijskih pasa
Džun pokušava da pomogne Vinsu, kučetu koje je siroče. Skarletini hrabri kučići kreću u veoma opasnu potragu za jazavcima. (National Geographic Wild)
08.02 07:05
25 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
The Prairie Dogs of northern New Mexico deal with all kinds of threats, big and small. In the Flatlands, June faces an infestation of fleas. ()
09.02 05:15
20 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
June must deal with orphaned pup, Vince, as he tries to join her burrow. Over in the Highlands, Scarlett's fearless pups go in search of two badgers, a choice with deadly consequences. ()
09.02 05:35
25 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
The Prairie Dogs of northern New Mexico deal with all kinds of threats, big and small. In the Flatlands, June faces an infestation of fleas. ()
09.02 07:05
20 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
Property disputes are settled a little differently in Dogtown. Pelt and Digit come up against unexpected challenges from badgers and alpha dogs. ()