13.03 19:30
45 Min
UFO Hunters
The team uncovers rare footage of floating giant triangles hovering over cities. Could these strange sightings be extraterrestrial in origin? (History 2.)
14.03 01:30
45 Min
UFO Hunters
The team uncovers rare footage of floating giant triangles hovering over cities. Could these strange sightings be extraterrestrial in origin? (History 2.)
14.03 07:30
45 Min
Lovci na NLO
Tim otkriva redak snimak ogromnih trouglova koji lebde iznad gradova. Da li su ove neobične pojave vanzemaljskog porekla? (History 2)
14.03 07:30
45 Min
UFO Hunters
The team uncovers rare footage of floating giant triangles hovering over cities. Could these strange sightings be extraterrestrial in origin? (History 2.)
14.03 13:30
45 Min
Lovci na NLO
Tim otkriva redak snimak ogromnih trouglova koji lebde iznad gradova. Da li su ove neobične pojave vanzemaljskog porekla? (History 2)
14.03 13:30
45 Min
UFO Hunters
The team uncovers rare footage of floating giant triangles hovering over cities. Could these strange sightings be extraterrestrial in origin? (History 2.)
14.03 19:30
45 Min
Lovci na NLO
Tim istražuje uznemirujuće slične priče o ljudima koje su oteli vanzemaljci u dve različite zemlje, a potom u Meksiku otkriva mogući dokaz. (History 2)
14.03 19:30
45 Min
UFO Hunters
The team investigates disturbingly similar stories of alien abductions from two different countries before tracking down some potential proof in Mexico. (History 2.)
15.03 01:30
45 Min
Lovci na NLO
Tim istražuje uznemirujuće slične priče o ljudima koje su oteli vanzemaljci u dve različite zemlje, a potom u Meksiku otkriva mogući dokaz. (History 2)
15.03 01:30
45 Min
UFO Hunters
The team investigates disturbingly similar stories of alien abductions from two different countries before tracking down some potential proof in Mexico. (History 2.)
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