17.03 14:50
15 Min
My Zen People 4
Idoia, Spain ()
17.03 14:50
15 Min
My Zen People
Idoia (Spain) S04 E13. Today, we will meet Idoia, a woman who creates unique woven pieces from diverse and beautiful materials that represent her vision of a modern woman. ()
17.03 14:50
15 Min
My Zen People
Информационно предаване, Франция, 2020, Today, we will meet Idoia, a woman who creates unique woven pieces from diverse and beautiful materials that represent her vision of a modern woman. (MyZen)
17.03 14:50
15 Min
My Zen - Άνθρωποι Κ4 Ε13
DIS0019485582,6756275,12 (MyZen TV)
17.03 15:05
15 Min
My Zen People
Информационно предаване, Франция, 2018, In this episode, we meet Paul John Eliott, a man who stopped making cartoons to become a massage therapist, but who, after getting lost in success and money, returned to painting. (MyZen)
17.03 15:05
15 Min
My Zen People 2
Paul John Elliott ()
17.03 15:05
15 Min
My Zen - Άνθρωποι Κ2 Ε1
DIS0019485585,6743046,0 (MyZen TV)
17.03 15:05
15 Min
My Zen People
Paul John Elliott S02 E01. In this episode, we meet Paul John Eliott, a man who stopped making cartoons to become a massage therapist, but who, after getting lost in success and money, returned to painting. ()
17.03 22:00
15 Min
My Zen People
Информационно предаване, Франция, 2019, Myriam, a French-born social worker leaves her anxiety-riddled routine to go on holiday to the Philippines, and sees an opportunity to change her life in the process. (MyZen)
17.03 22:00
15 Min
My Zen - Άνθρωποι Κ3 Ε3
DIS0019485072,6743045,2 (MyZen TV)
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