29.11 02:00
120 Min
Naked and Afraid: Last One Standing
Gary's Mantrum at the Lake--Bitter rivals, Dan and Jeff, must work together to grab a key survival item; Darrin's injury slows his camp and puts his challenge at risk; when Dani refuses to trade assets, Gary plots (AFN|family)
01.12 10:05
130 Min
Naked And Afraid: Last One Standing
(Ep 3/s2) Reality-TV, USA, 2023. (Discovery Channel HD (D) syn)
01.12 12:15
130 Min
Naked And Afraid: Last One Standing
(Ep 4/s2) Reality-TV, USA, 2023. (Discovery Channel HD (D) syn)
06.12 02:00
120 Min
Naked and Afraid: Last One Standing
Gutting It Close--An elimination challenge tests bow-hunting and game-processing skills. When two camps secure warthogs, one preserves their win quickly. The other camp's meat goes bad and a survivalist gets viole (AFN|family)