16.02 06:20
45 Min
Nepoznate dubine
Dok broj stanovnika na planeti ubrzano raste, obradivog zemljišta je sve manje. Dr Balard istražuje da li se rešenje problema krije u kosmosu. (National Geographic)
16.02 06:20
45 Min
Nepoznate dubine, ep. 5.
Dokumentarni (National Geographic Channel.)
16.02 06:20
45 Min
Alien Deep with Bob Ballard
With Earth's population growing rapidly, liveable land is almost maxed out. Dr Ballard determines whether space is the answer to this problem. (Nat Geographic HD)
16.02 06:25
45 Min
Nepoznate dubine
Dok broj stanovnika na planeti ubrzano raste, obradivog zemljišta je sve manje. Dr Balard istražuje da li se rešenje problema krije u kosmosu. (National Geographic)
16.02 06:25
45 Min
Nepoznate dubine, ep. 5.
Dokumentarni (National Geographic Channel.)
16.02 06:25
45 Min
Alien Deep with Bob Ballard
With Earth's population growing rapidly, liveable land is almost maxed out. Dr Ballard determines whether space is the answer to this problem. (Nat Geographic HD)