27.12 09:00
65 Min
Countdown to Surrender
January 28th, 1945: the war reaches its climax on German soil. It is the beginning of a hundred days of horror and death, claiming more lives than in all the years of war. (Viasat History HD)
27.12 09:00
65 Min
Odbrojavanje do kapitulacije
28. januar, 1945. godine. Rat doživljava svoj vrhunac na nemačkoj zemlji. To je početak stotine dana užasa i smrti, koje slede. Ti dani će odneti više života nego sve prethodne godine trajanja rata. (Viasat History)
27.12 10:05
70 Min
Countdown to Surrender
March 6th, 1945: Cologne is the first German city to fall to the Allies. Stalin plans to conquer Berlin before the other Allies arrive; the Wochenschau stokes up fear of the Red Army. (Viasat History HD)
27.12 10:05
70 Min
Odbrojavanje do kapitulacije
6. mart, 1945. godine. Keln je bio prvi nemački grad koji su pokorili saveznici. Staljin planira da osvoji Berlin pre nego što stignu drugi saveznici. (Viasat History)
27.12 11:15
65 Min
Countdown to Surrender
April 16th, 1945: the Red Army begins its offensive on Berlin; the first concentration camps have been liberated by British and US forces; on May 8th, the Second World War comes to an end in Europe. (Viasat History HD)
27.12 11:15
65 Min
Odbrojavanje do kapitulacije
16. april, 1945. godine. Crvena armija započinje svoj napad na Berlin. Britanci i Amerikanci oslobodili su prve koncentracione logore. 8. maja se u Evropi završava Drugi svetski rat. (Viasat History)
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