01.03 08:05
20 Min
Shipping Wars
Natasha takes on the challenge of transporting a vintage fire truck to its original home, while Molly and Russell's load filled with Hollywood memorabilia comes with its own issues. (History HD)
01.03 08:05
20 Min
Prijevoznički ratovi 8, ep. 3. Igra s vatrom
Shipping Wars Dokumentarni (History Channel.)
01.03 14:55
20 Min
Shipping Wars
Molly and Russel get boxed in by the seller of a rare arcade bowling game with his shipping demands, while Tamara's haul of movie statues to Minnesota's largest candy store heats up with a... (History HD)
01.03 14:55
20 Min
Prijevoznički ratovi 8, ep. 5. Kuglanje za slatkiše
Shipping Wars Dokumentarni (History Channel.)
02.03 08:05
20 Min
Shipping Wars
Doug attempts to haul a retired aircraft fuselage with his truck, and Dwight and Tyesha double book a load of ancient artifacts and a real embalming table in Austin, Texas. (History HD)
02.03 08:05
20 Min
Prijevoznički ratovi 8, ep. 4. Leteći artefakti
Shipping Wars Dokumentarni (History Channel.)
02.03 14:55
20 Min
Shipping Wars
Dwight and Tyesha tangle with an animatronic T-Rex and chop it down to size, while Doug bites off more than he can chew when moving a massive backyard Pirate Ship playhouse. (History HD)
02.03 14:55
20 Min
Prijevoznički ratovi 8, ep. 6. Nevolje s T-Rexom
Shipping Wars Dokumentarni (History Channel.)
03.03 08:10
20 Min
Prijevoznički ratovi
Reality serijal prati skupine nezavisnih prijevoznika dok se natječu na aukcijama za prijevoz nekonvencionalne robe. (History HD)
03.03 08:30
20 Min
Prijevoznički ratovi
Reality serijal prati skupine nezavisnih prijevoznika dok se natječu na aukcijama za prijevoz nekonvencionalne robe. (History HD)