08.11 23:16
24 Min
Rock Legends Neil Young
DOC. MUSICA - Ritratto di Neil Young, cantautore canadese naturalizzato americano. Difficile sovrastimarne la caratura e il contributo alla musica. Considerato il padrino ante litteram del grunge, oltre alla carriera solis (Rai 5 HD)
08.11 23:16
24 Min
Rock Legends Neil Young
DOC. MUSICA - Ritratto di Neil Young, cantautore canadese naturalizzato americano. Difficile sovrastimarne la caratura e il contributo alla musica. Considerato il padrino ante litteram del grunge, oltre alla carriera solis (Rai 5 HD)
09.11 06:45
25 Min
Rock Legends
Singer Writes the Song (Sky Documentaries)
10.11 05:10
25 Min
Rock Legends
Birth of Metal (Sky Documentaries)
10.11 05:35
25 Min
Rock Legends
Women Who Rock (Sky Documentaries)
12.11 01:59
46 Min
Rock Legends
ABBA S03 E01. The stories of some of the most influential musical movements and genres in the history of pop culture, as well as the most iconic artists we all know and love. (iConcert)
12.11 01:59
46 Min
ABBA - Rock Legends
Documentary 2014 (iConcert HD)
12.11 02:00
45 Min
Θρύλοι της Ροκ
DIS0018504642,7254303,0 (Stingray iConcerts)
14.11 02:10
40 Min
Θρύλοι της Ροκ
DIS0018504690,7254303,0 (Stingray iConcerts)
14.11 17:25
25 Min
Θρύλοι της Ροκ
DIS0018504703,7254303,0 (Stingray iConcerts)