03.03 20:13
25 Min
Stay Home
Don't Leave Me Tonight. When your partner asks you not to leave their side, you'll find it really pays off when you decide to just stay home. ()
03.03 21:00
115 Min
Focusing on the attempts of a psychiatrist to prevent one of his patients from committing suicide while trying to maintain his own grip on reality. (TV1000)
04.03 23:15
115 Min
Focusing on the attempts of a psychiatrist to prevent one of his patients from committing suicide while trying to maintain his own grip on reality. (TV1000)
04.03 23:15
115 Min
Focusing on the attempts of a psychiatrist to prevent one of his patients from committing suicide while trying to maintain his own grip on reality. (TV1000 Balkan)
06.03 11:20
105 Min
If I Stay
Na een ernstig auto-ongeluk raakt de jonge Mia in coma en kan ze vanuit een gebied tussen leven en dood haar familie en vrienden volgen. (Film1 Premiere HD)