03.03 09:55
25 Min
My Zen Trendy
Ojai Valley Lavender Festival S01 E05. In this episode, Val Kahl discovers the Ojai Valley Lavender Festival. Then she visits Frog Creek Farm, before doing a yoga class at Caravan Outpost, and sampling fresh juices at Gratitude Rock. ()
03.03 09:55
25 Min
My Zen Trendy
Urban Garden Mezzanine ()
03.03 09:55
25 Min
My Zen Trendy Κ1 Ε5
DIS0019484992 (MyZen TV)
03.03 09:55
25 Min
My Zen Trendy
Информационно предаване, САЩ, 2017, In this episode, Val Kahl discovers the Ojai Valley Lavender Festival. Then she visits Frog Creek Farm, before doing a yoga class at Caravan Outpost, and sampling fresh juices at Gratitude Rock. (MyZen)
03.03 10:20
30 Min
My Zen Trendy Κ1 Ε6
DIS0019484994 (MyZen TV)
03.03 10:20
30 Min
My Zen Trendy
Cryotherapy & Vinyasa Yoga ()
03.03 10:20
30 Min
My Zen Trendy
Информационно предаване, САЩ, 2017, In this episode, Val Kahl takes us to Los Angeles to discover a new concept store where you can do Vinyasa Yoga, drink detox juices and get cryotherapy. All in one place. (MyZen)
03.03 10:20
30 Min
My Zen Trendy
Cryotherapy & Vinyasa Yoga S01 E06. In this episode, Val Kahl takes us to Los Angeles to discover a new concept store where you can do Vinyasa Yoga, drink detox juices and get cryotherapy. All in one place. ()
03.03 15:20
30 Min
My Zen Trendy Κ1 Ε20
DIS0019485027 (MyZen TV)
03.03 15:20
30 Min
My Zen Trendy
Информационно предаване, САЩ, 2017, In this episode, Val will go to a ranch where the animals are king and the llama is the star, then she will participate in a Namastday Yoga session. (MyZen)
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