02.03 08:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk je na internet aukciji osvojio traženi Ford Mk1 po ceni od 4500 funti. Da li će Edove prepravke vratiti u život ovaj omiljeni klasik iz 1970-ih? (Discovery Channel)
02.03 08:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike picks up a cracking three-door Ford MK1 for Ł4,500 in an internet auction. Can Edd's restoration help them make a profit on this nifty 70s classic? (Discovery HD)
02.03 09:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk kupuje istrošeni stari Rendž Rover Mk3 po bagatelnoj ceni od 5000 funti. Plan je da ga prefarbaju, da ga Ed popravi i da zatim udvostruče uloženi novac. (Discovery Channel)
02.03 09:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike buys a clapped-out old Range Rover Mk3 for a bargain price of Ł5,000. His plan is to re-spray it, pass it on to Edd to fix, then double his money with the sale. (Discovery HD)
03.03 06:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Trgovac automobilima Majk Bruer i višestruko talentovani mehaničar Ant Ansted pronalaze i restauriraju legendarne automobile koje zatim uz zaradu prodaju u salonu u Los Anđelesu. (Discovery Channel)
03.03 06:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike picks up an extremely distressed 1965 Dodge A-100 Sportsman. Will custom-built surf inspired details provide enough wow-factor to snag a buyer? (Discovery HD)
03.03 07:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Trgovac automobilima Majk Bruer i višestruko talentovani mehaničar Ant Ansted pronalaze i restauriraju legendarne automobile koje zatim uz zaradu prodaju u salonu u Los Anđelesu. (Discovery Channel)
03.03 07:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
A 1979 Jeep CJ-7 Renegade rolls into the workshop, but it's rusted out. Ant repairs the damage, while Mike revives its tired faux-denim stonewashed upholstery. (Discovery HD)
03.03 12:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Trgovac automobilima Majk Bruer i višestruko talentovani mehaničar Ant Ansted pronalaze i restauriraju legendarne automobile koje zatim uz zaradu prodaju u salonu u Los Anđelesu. (Discovery Channel)
03.03 12:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike tries to tap into the 90's nostalgia scene with a 1994 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4. Ant has his work cut out for him returning the car to its original state. (Discovery HD)
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