07.10 04:40
25 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
The story of how Persia morphed into Iran is very much the story of one family, the Pahlavis. Their reign would prove short-lived for a dynasty, but it was the most tumultuous in the nation's history. (Viasat History HD)
07.10 04:40
25 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Priča o tome kako je Persija postala Iran svodi se na priču o porodici Palavis. Njihova dinastija je kratko vladala, ali je to bio najburniji period u istoriji te nacije. (Viasat History)
07.10 05:05
25 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
From royal families spanning centuries to billionaire business tycoons and their clans, "Cursed Bloodlines" examines real-life historical instances of tragically ill-fated bloodlines. (Viasat History HD)
07.10 05:05
25 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Dinastija Romanov nametnula je strogu carsku vladavinu koja je trajala 300 godina, ali u jednom momentu njihov autoritet je poljuljan. Budućnost dinastije bila je ugrožena. (Viasat History)
07.10 05:30
30 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
J. Paul Getty was renowned for his wealth and frugality as well as his lack of empathy and compassion for his family. He would marry four times and sire five sons, but he died old and alone. (Viasat History HD)
07.10 05:30
30 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Dž. Pol Geti poznat je po svom bogatstvu i štedljivosti, kao i po nedostatku empatije i osećajnosti prema svojoj porodici. Ženio se četiri puta i imao je pet sinova, ali je umro star i sam. (Viasat History)
07.10 21:00
30 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
No other family in 20th-century America has held higher status than the Kennedys, but as blessed as they seemingly were, they were also cursed by a series of tragic and bizarre events. (Viasat History HD)
07.10 21:00
30 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Nijedna porodica u 20. veku u Americi nije imala viši status od Kenedijevih, ali koliko god oni delovali blagosloveno, bili su ukleti nizom tragičnih i bizarnih događaja. (Viasat History)
07.10 21:30
30 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
From royal families spanning centuries to billionaire business tycoons and their clans, "Cursed Bloodlines" examines real-life historical instances of tragically ill-fated bloodlines. (Viasat History HD)
07.10 21:30
30 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Serija istražuje istorijske činjenice o lošim rodbinskim odnosima u porodicama, od kraljevskih dinastija do bilionera tajkuna i njihovih klanova. (Viasat History)
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