18.11 05:35
45 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
Starring in only a handful of films, Bruce Lee is revered as an icon in popular culture, but Lee died as young and as suddenly as his son. How could their tragic destinies share so many similarities? (Viasat History HD)
18.11 05:35
45 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Nakon što je glumio u svega nekoliko filmova, Brus Li postao je ikona pop kulture. Li je umro mlad i iznenada, baš kao i njegov sin. Kako su njihove tragične sudbine bile toliko slične? (Viasat History)
18.11 06:20
30 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
The story of how Persia morphed into Iran is very much the story of one family, the Pahlavis. Their reign would prove short-lived for a dynasty, but it was the most tumultuous in the nation's history. (Viasat History HD)
18.11 06:20
30 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Priča o tome kako je Persija postala Iran svodi se na priču o porodici Palavis. Njihova dinastija je kratko vladala, ali je to bio najburniji period u istoriji te nacije. (Viasat History)
19.11 05:55
25 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
From royal families spanning centuries to billionaire business tycoons and their clans, "Cursed Bloodlines" examines real-life historical instances of tragically ill-fated bloodlines. (Viasat History HD)
19.11 05:55
25 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Serija istražuje istorijske činjenice o lošim rodbinskim odnosima u porodicama, od kraljevskih dinastija do bilionera tajkuna i njihovih klanova. (Viasat History)
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