01.03 09:15
55 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E71 of 85'. Alejandra flatly refuses to work with Rafael. Gastón's children confront Rosaura and threaten to publish photos of her if she doesn't leave. (Diva)
01.03 10:10
55 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E72 of 85'. Judge Mateus makes Luciano understand that in order for him to be able to bid at the auction of the hacienda, he must have at least 400 million pesos. (Diva)
01.03 11:05
55 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E73 of 85'. Josefina learns that her lawsuit against the Maldonados is already in progress. Rafael informs Benjamín that the hacienda is up for auction. (Diva)
01.03 12:00
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E74 of 85'. Isabela finds El Dandy, and when she talks of her plans to bring Lizarralde down, he agrees to help. Anita gives Alejandra the money for the house. (Diva)
01.03 13:00
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E75 of 85'. Isabela and El Dandy kiss. Rafael makes an offer, just before Luciano takes over the hacienda. Milena accompanies Vicky for her first ultrasound. (Diva)
01.03 14:00
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E76 of 85'. Alejandra learns that Anita is Lizarralde's wife, and that Luciano was involved in the purchase of the house. Rafael makes a shocking discovery. (Diva)
01.03 15:00
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E77 of 85'. Isabela and El Dandy enjoy their first romantic evening. Milena rejects Papeto and tells Jaime she is in love with him. Rafael suffers an accident. (Diva)
01.03 16:00
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E78 of 85'. Rafael insists that Alejandra did not cause the accident. Luciano arrives at the hospital and Juan recognises him from the night of Karen's murder. (Diva)
01.03 17:00
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E79 of 85'. Leonor delivers some sad news to Rafael. Alejandra tells Rafael she will see to it that he makes a full recovery. Jaime makes a confession. (Diva)
01.03 18:00
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
'S1/E80 of 85'. Gaston is shocked by Jaime's confession. Luciano is secretly recorded rewarding Judge Mateus for helping him with the auction of the hacienda. (Diva)
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