21.11 22:55
60 Min
Planes Gone Viral
We visit the incredibly complex world of the airport; this is where the biggest and the fastest vehicles in the world share the same space and where the slightest error can result in catastrophe. (Viasat Explore HD)
22.11 02:35
50 Min
Viralni avioni
Posetićemo neverovatno kompleksan svet aerodroma. Ovo je mesto gde se najveća i najbrža vozila nalaze na istom mestu i gde i najmanja greška može da rezultira katastrofom. (Viasat Explore)
22.11 02:35
50 Min
Planes Gone Viral
We visit the incredibly complex world of the airport; this is where the biggest and the fastest vehicles in the world share the same space and where the slightest error can result in catastrophe. (Viasat Explore HD)
23.11 06:55
55 Min
Planes Gone Viral
We visit the incredibly complex world of the airport; this is where the biggest and the fastest vehicles in the world share the same space and where the slightest error can result in catastrophe. (Viasat Explore HD)
24.11 21:00
55 Min
Viralni avioni
Dramatični snimci pokazuju nam kako je biti zarobljen u avionu koji se zapalio. Saznaćemo i kako se vatrogasci bore sa avionskim požarima. (Viasat Explore)