22.01 04:40
45 Min
Forbidden History
Were they actually created by ancient people, or did they have extra-terrestrial origins? The West's museums were taken in until it emerged that an "antique dealer" had them made in the 19th century. (Viasat History HD)
22.01 04:40
45 Min
Zabranjena istorija
Da li su ih zaista napravili drevni narodi ili su to bili vanzemaljci?Za ove muzeje se ispostavilo da ih je napravio antički diler u 19. veku. (Viasat History)
22.01 06:10
55 Min
Forbidden History
The remains of 7,000 humans were discovered in the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Malta's Neolithic temple; could the temple reveal the mystery of who they belonged to and what happened to its owners? (Viasat History HD)
22.01 06:10
55 Min
Zabranjena istorija
Ostaci 7.000 ljudi otkriveni su u hipogeumu Hal Saflieni, neolitskom hramu na Malti; da li je hram mogao da otkrije misteriju kome su pripadali i šta se dogodilo sa njegovim vlasnicima? (Viasat History)
23.01 04:30
45 Min
Forbidden History
The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt is a wonder of the world, but when was it built, for what purpose, and by who, and what can the earliest pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara add to the argument? (Viasat History HD)
23.01 05:15
45 Min
Forbidden History
On a hill near Mt. Ararat in Turkey is what most scientists believe is just an unusually shaped rock formation; hoping to prove it's the remains of Noah's Ark, a research team investigates the site. (Viasat History HD)
23.01 06:20
50 Min
Forbidden History
The crucifixion of Jesus changed the world; how much of our understanding of this event is true, and what answers can be found in the Holy Land to back up the Bible's story? (Viasat History HD)